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Terraform acme provider

Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code (IaC) software tool that enables you to safely and predictably create, change, and improve infrastructure. It is widely used for deployment of cloud infrastructure, but it can also be used to manage on-premises infrastructure and hybrid infrastructures.

Declarative configuration of infrastructure allows you to create a blueprint of your infrastructure and version it, enabling you to roll back to a previous version if needed. In most cases, you need to provision and maintain trusted certificates for your infrastructure.

Terraform with integration to CZERTAINLY can be used to automate the process of certificate provisioning and renewal.

CZERTAINLY platform supports ACME implementation according to the RFC 8555. This guide shows, how you can use Terraform acme provider to manage certificates using ACME protocol and certificate management services controlled by the platform.

For more information about Terraform, refer to the Terraform documentation.


This guide assumes you have at least basic knowledge about Terraform. If you are new to Terraform, we recommend you to start with the official tutorial.


Before you can configure Terraform acme provider with the CZERTAINLY, you need to have the following:

  • Terraform installed
  • Configured at least one RA Profile certificate service
  • Access to HTTP or DNS resources, that will be used to validate ACME challenges
  • ACME protocol enabled according to the Enable ACME

To install Terraform, follow the installation instructions.

For this guide, we will use dns-01 challenge validation, but the http-01 can be also configured and the process is the same.

Configure acme provider

To install acme provider, register the following in the Terraform block in your configuration.

terraform {
required_providers {
acme = {
source = "vancluever/acme"
version = "~> 2.0"

Check your version of the provider to be compatible with your deployment. For more information about acme provider, refer to the provider documentation.

The configuration of the acme provider is done in the provider block and requires directory URL of the ACME server.

provider "acme" {
server_url = "https://[domain]:[port]/api/v1/protocols/acme/raProfile/czertainly/directory"

Do not forget to initialize the provider after the configuration using terraform init.

Register account

Account is registered using acme_registration resource. The resource requires email address and private key. The private key can be generated using tls_private_key resource (as in this example) or any other method.

resource "tls_private_key" "private_key" {
algorithm = "RSA"

resource "acme_registration" "reg" {
account_key_pem = tls_private_key.private_key.private_key_pem
email_address = ""

When the account is deleted, it is deactivated in the platform.

Create certificate

Certificate is created using acme_certificate resource. The resource requires account key and certificate signing request that can be generated or provided externally.

In this guide, we configure dns_challenge block for acme_certificate resource. The dns_challenge requires provider and configuration of the provider to connect with the DNS service and manage challenges for resources. We use rfc2136 provider for demonstration purposes.

For the list of all available challenge types and configuration, refer to the provider documentation.

Generate CSR and create certificate

common_name, key_type, and optionally subject_alternative_names should be specified to generate certificate signing request by the acme_certificate resource.

resource "acme_certificate" "certificate" {
account_key_pem = acme_registration.reg.account_key_pem
common_name = "demo.czertainly.test"
key_type = "2048"
subject_alternative_names = ["demo.czertainly.test"]

dns_challenge {
provider = "rfc2136"

config = {
RFC2136_TSIG_ALGORITHM = "hmac-sha512"
RFC2136_TSIG_KEY = "czertainly.test"
RFC2136_TSIG_SECRET = "OCLSOqzn0LjZfu40cER7tCan1RNx9q/c16kBkfeqUzNMtiwnWD+LgXSepG5tV8KptHsdK8zVQYuGS9aRn/JBig=="

#recursive_nameservers = [""]
#disable_complete_propagation = true

Use existing CSR and create certificate

tls_private_key and tls_cert_request resources can be used to generate private key and certificate signing request that is provided to acme_certificate resource as certificate_request_pem.

resource "tls_private_key" "cert_private_key" {
algorithm = "RSA"

resource "tls_cert_request" "req" {
key_algorithm = "RSA"
private_key_pem = tls_private_key.cert_private_key.private_key_pem
dns_names = ["demo.czertainly.test"]

subject {
common_name = "demo.czertainly.test"

resource "acme_certificate" "certificate" {
account_key_pem = acme_registration.reg.account_key_pem
certificate_request_pem = tls_cert_request.req.cert_request_pem

dns_challenge {
provider = "rfc2136"

config = {
RFC2136_TSIG_ALGORITHM = "hmac-sha512"
RFC2136_TSIG_KEY = "czertainly.test"
RFC2136_TSIG_SECRET = "OCLSOqzn0LjZfu40cER7tCan1RNx9q/c16kBkfeqUzNMtiwnWD+LgXSepG5tV8KptHsdK8zVQYuGS9aRn/JBig=="

#recursive_nameservers = [""]
#disable_complete_propagation = true

Certificate management

Terraform handles the acme_certificate resource as a single entity. When the resource is created, the certificate is issued. When the resource is deleted, the certificate is revoked. When the resource is updated, the certificate is renewed.

The acme_certificate resource handles automatic certificate renewal so long as a plan or apply is done within the number of days specified in the min_days_remaining resource parameter. During refresh, if Terraform detects that the certificate is within the expiry range specified in min_days_remaining, or is already expired, Terraform will mark the certificate to be renewed on the next apply.