plays an important role in the platform, providing the functionality for a specific technology, even when proprietary. For more information, see Connector
You can also find more information in the Architecture.
The following sections provides detail information about the interfaces and processes associated with the Connector
🗃️ Common Interfaces
4 items
📄️ Authority Provider Legacy
Authority Provider Legacy is deprecated and will be removed in future release.
📄️ Authority Provider v2
📄️ Compliance Provider
📄️ Credential Provider
📄️ Cryptography Provider
📄️ Discovery Provider
📄️ Entity Provider
Entity Provider helps to integrate any technology (open and proprietary) that is not able, not capable, or you do not want to, use standard interface and protocols for management and automation of the certificate and cryptographic keys lifecycle.
📄️ Notification Provider
Notification Provider provides interface to extend the notification features of the platform. Notification Provider can be used to send notifications to the users of the platform using email, SMS, Slack, Team, webhook, or any other technology.
📄️ Available Connectors
Connectors can be developed by anyone. There may be number of Connectors driven by the community and also Connectors developed for some specific purpose and use case.