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Entity Provider

Using Entity Provider

Entity Provider helps to integrate any technology (open and proprietary) that is not able, not capable, or you do not want to, use standard interface and protocols for management and automation of the certificate and cryptographic keys lifecycle.


The Certificate can be stored and managed in various locations in the infrastructure. Entity Provide gives you the capability of management entities that are the end user of Certificates and if supported, manage their location with associated Certificate and cryptographic key.

Entity Provider can implement literally any type of the certificate store.

How it works

Entity Provider Connector provides access to the locations on the remote devices. These devices are the actual end-users of the certificate. Multiple locations on one server are supported. The Connector can create multiple Entities and automate the certificate lifecycle on associated locations.

Provider objects

Entity and Location objects are managed in the platform through the Entity Provider implementation. Entity represents end user of the Certificate and it can have access to multiple Locations.

The following diagram shows the relation (sample) between Entity Provier, Entity, Location, and Certificate:

The following processes are associated with the Entity Provider and management of the Entity objects.

Create Entity

Get Entity Details

Update Entity

Remove Entity

The following processes are associated with the Entity Provider and management of the Location objects.

Create Location

Location Details

Update Location

Remove Location

Change Location State

Issue Certificate in Location

Renew Certificate in Location

Push Certificate to Location

Delete Certificate from Location

Specification and example

The Entity Provider implements Common Interfaces and the following additional interfaces:

The OpenAPI specification of the Entity Provider can be found here: Connector API - Entity Provider.