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Kubernetes cert-manager

One of the most common use cases for ACME is to manage certificates for containerized applications and environment like Kubernetes.

cert-manager adds certificates and certificate issuers as resource types in Kubernetes clusters, and simplifies the process of obtaining, renewing, and using those certificates. It can issue certificates from a variety of supported sources, including ACME compliant servers.

For more information about cert-manager, refer to the cert-manager documentation.

CZERTAINLY platform supports ACME implementation according to the RFC 8555. This guide shows, how you can use cert-manager to manage certificates using ACME protocol and certificate management services controlled by the platform. In this combination, cert-manager can manage certificates provided by literally any certification authority.


Before you can configure cert-manager with the CZERTAINLY, you need to have the following:

  • Kubernetes cluster with cert-manager installed
  • Configured at least one RA Profile certificate service
  • Access to HTTP or DNS resources, that will be used to validate ACME challenges
  • ACME protocol enabled according to the Enable ACME

For this guide, we will use http-01 challenge validation, but the dns-01 can be also configured and the process is the same.

In case you do not have the cert-manager installed, follow the installation instructions to install it.

Create new ClusterIssuer

ClusterIssuer referencing our configured ACME service can be configured using the following manifest file:

kind: ClusterIssuer
name: clusterissuer-czertainly-acme
#namespace: default
server: https://[domain]:[port]/api/v1/protocols/acme/raProfile/czertainly/directory
# Email address used for ACME registration
# Name of a secret used to store the ACME account private key
name: issuer-czertainly-acme-secret
# Enable HTTP01 validations
# An empty 'selector' means that this solver matches all domains
- selector: {}
class: public

You should adjust this manifest according to your specific Kubernetes cluster. If the CZERTAINLY access point is using TLS certificate issued from private certification authority, you should include the CA certificate in cert-manager configuration, otherwise it will reject communication.

When you are ready, you can apply the manifest. This will start the communication with the ACME server and register the ACME client. You can check if the registration of ACME client was successful by listing all ACME Clients in the platform and checking the state of the ClusterIssuer:

kubectl describe -n cert-manager clusterissuer-czertainly-acme

You should see the status of the ClusterIssuer indicating ACMEAccountRegistered:

Last Registered Email:
Uri: https://[domain]:[port]/api/v1/protocols/acme/cm/acct/KUAkYavhiMI
Last Transition Time: 2022-01-29T16:25:45Z
Message: The ACME account was registered with the ACME server
Observed Generation: 1
Reason: ACMEAccountRegistered
Status: True
Type: Ready
Events: <none>

That means that the ACME client was registered successfully, and you can start managing certificates.

Request certificate

You can try to issue certificate using the following manifest:

kind: Certificate
name: cert-www-example-com
namespace: default
secretName: cert-secret-www-example-com
renewBefore: 365h # 15d
name: clusterissuer-czertainly-acme
kind: ClusterIssuer

Applying this manifest in Kubernetes environment will start the ACME certificate issuing process. The brief steps what the cert-manager will do are:

  • generate new key pair and CSR, and store in the Secret
  • create Order resource in the ACME server
  • distribute the Challenge for validation
  • ask ACME server for the Challenge to be validated
  • sends the CSR to the ACME server to finalize
  • download the certificate from the ACME server

You can check the status of certificate resource in Kubernetes to see the result of the certificate issuing process:

kubectl describe cert-www-example-com

When the certificate was issued and stored, you will see similar output:

Last Transition Time: 2022-02-03T10:33:52Z
Message: Certificate is up to date and has not expired
Observed Generation: 1
Reason: Ready
Status: True
Type: Ready
Not After: 2024-02-03T10:22:51Z
Not Before: 2022-02-03T10:22:51Z
Renewal Time: 2024-01-19T05:22:51Z
Revision: 1
Events: <none>

The issued certificate is also included in the certificate inventory of the platform. From now on, the cert-manager will renew the certificate automatically.