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Attributes Interface


Each Connector has to implement the Attributes interface. This interface provides information about supported Attributes of the Connector. Attributes are specific to implementation and gives information about the data that can be exchanged and properly parsed by the Connector.

Fo more information, refer to Connector Architecture.

How it works

The Attributes interface provides information about all supported mandatory or optional Attributes for the Connector. Attributes are necessary to manage Connector specific objects. For more information about how Attributes can be used and implemented, including details about Attribute types, refer to Contribution guide - Attributes and Callbacks.

Each Connector implements interface for listing available Attributes and their validation.


Get Attributes

Because each Connector defines its own specific Attributes, we need to get information about that before we can start creating and managing objects.

Create object using Attributes

When you have a list of available Attributes supported by the Connector, you can create objects like Authority, Credential, Discovery, Entity, etc. For this operation you need to provide at least mandatory Attribute values that are validated against the definition and if success, the object is created.


The following example is creating Credential object. The same approach can be used for other objects that can be created based on the Attributes definition and specific Connector.

Specification and example

You can find specification and information about the Attributes interface on the following locations: