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The Dashboard displays the summary of certificates managed by the platform in the Certificate Inventory. It provides a comprehensive visual dashboard providing quick information about the current certificate inventory state.

Dashboard offers the following visualizations:

Number of CertificatesThe total number of Certificates managed by the platform.
Number of GroupsThe total number of Groups managed by the platform.
Number of DiscoveriesThe total number of Discoveries managed by the platform.
Number of RA ProfilesThe total number of RA Profiles managed by the platform.
Certificate By StatusDistribution of certificates by validation status.
Certificate By GroupDistribution of certificates Group.
Certificate By RA ProfileDistribution of certificates by RA Profile.
Certificate TypesDistribution of certificates by the certificate type (i.e. X.509).
Certificate Expiry In DaysDistribution of certificates by expiration days.
Key SizeDistribution of the certificates by its public key size.
ConstraintsDistribution of certificates by constraint attribute.