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Certificate Management

Platform offers the certificate management operations.


All the certificate management operations in the platform are achieved through the RA Profile. To perform any action on a Certificate, the Certificate must be bound to an RA Profile. See RA Profile for more information.

Operations on Certificate includes:


Any new Certificate can be issued through the RA Profile. Since RA Profile binds the Certificate with Authority, it has the information on which Connector to use. In addition to that, RA Profile also holds the Attributes required by the CA technology to issue Certificate.

With defined RA Profile, the Client will need only the following data to request Certificate:

  • RA Profile Name
  • based on key source
    • external - CSR (Certificate Signing Request)
    • existing key - token profile, its key and belonging request and signature attributes
  • Attributes for issuing, if needed by the Connector implementation

Upon successful issuing of the Certificate, it will be parsed, validated, and stored in the Certificate Inventory.


The Certificate can be revoked through its binding with RA Profile. The following information is needed to revoke the Certificate:

  • Revocation reason

Once the reason for the revocation is specified, the platform communicates with the CA through RA Profile and revokes the Certificate. Information is update in the Certificate Inventory.


To renew Certificate, information currently available in the Certificate Inventory is used. Therefore, the Client need to provide only new certification signing request or otherwise information about key belonging to certificate will be used.


Only the Certificate that is bound to RA Profile can be renewed.


This operation is used in case it is necessary to change key that was used for issuance of original certificate because of various reasons.

Data that need to be provided are same as for issuing certificate with a condition that different key needs to be used.