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Register Connectors

In order to start using the platform with any specific technology, we must register the Connector. We need two Connectors:

  • for basic Credential we use the Common Credential Provider implementing Credential Provider function group
  • for CA MS ADCS we use the MS ADCS Connector implementing Authority Provider function group

Register Connectors using the API

The Connectors can be registered using the Connector API.

Register Common Credential Provider

curl -X POST \
--cacert [ca-cert] \
--cert [client-cert] \
--cert-type [type] \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
--data '
"name": "Common Credential Provider",
"url", "https://common-credential-provider-service:8080"",
"authType": "none"
}' \

When there is no error, Connector is successfully registered, and its uuid is sent back:

"uuid": "93f74f2d-1bc7-4c15-a33e-0bf773b3955a"

Register MS ADCS Connector

curl -X POST \
--cacert [ca-cert] \
--cert [client-cert] \
--cert-type [type] \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Accept: application/json" \
--data '
"name": "MS ADCS Connector",
"url", "https://ms-adcs-conector-service:8080"",
"authType": "none"
}' \

When there is no error, Connector is successfully registered, and its uuid is sent back:

"uuid": "04cb011f-4497-4e45-b4b9-4975db9df0a0"

Register Connectors using the Web Interface

Register Common Credential Provider

Follow these steps to register new Common Credential Provider.

  1. Log in to the Administration Interface https://[domain]:[port]/administrator
  2. Click Connectors in the left menu
  3. Click Add new connector (plus symbol )
  4. Fill the columns with the attributes:
    • URL: https://common-credential-provider-service:8080
    • Authentication Type: No Auth
  5. Click Connect

Now you can see the details of the connected Connector.

  1. Fill in the Connector name: Common Credential Provider
  2. Click Create to make the Connector available to other components

You have registered Common Credential Provider.

Register MS ADCS Connector

Follow these steps to register new MS ADCS Connector.

  1. Log in to the Administration Interface https://[domain]:[port]/administrator
  2. Click Connectors in the left menu
  3. Click Add new connector (plus symbol )
  4. Fill the columns with the attributes:
    • URL: https://ms-adcs-connector-service:8080
    • Authentication Type: No Auth
  5. Click Connect

Now you can see the details of the connected Connector.

  1. Fill in the Connector name: MS ADCS Connector
  2. Click Create to make the Connector available to other components

You have registered MS ADCS Connector.