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SSCEP (Simple SCEP client) is a client-only implementation of the SCEP protocol. It is a simple command-line tool that can be used to communicate with a SCEP server to obtain signed certificates.

This guide shows, how to use SSCEP to manage certificates using SCEP protocol and certificate management services controlled by the platform.


Before you can use SSCEP with the CZERTAINLY, you need to have the following:

  • SSCEP installed and configured
  • Configured at least one RA Profile certificate service
  • SCEP protocol enabled according to the Enable SCEP for RA Profile

In case you do not have the SSCEP installed, follow the installation instructions.

Generate private key and certificate signing request

The private key algorithm, its attributes, and the content of the certificate signing requests depends on the configuration of the certification authority policy. The following example generate the private key and certificate signing request using the openssl command.

Prepare the request.cnf configuration file representing the certificate policy. for example:

[ req ]
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
attributes = req_attributes
req_extensions = v3_req

[ req_distinguished_name ]
commonName = Common Name
commonName_max = 64
commonName_default = test

[ v3_req ]
basicConstraints = CA:FALSE
keyUsage = digitalSignature, keyEncipherment, nonRepudiation
extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth

[ req_attributes ]
challengePassword = A challenge password
challengePassword_default = sodexo-test

Generate the private key and certificate signing request using the following command:

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout test.key -out test.csr -config request.cnf

This will generate the test.key RSA 2048 bit private key file and test.csr certificate signing request file. For more information about the openssl command, see the OpenSSL documentation.

Get CA certificate

Validation of CA certificate

The CA certificate fingerprint should be always validated! It should match the fingerprint of the CA certificate configured in the SCEP Profile.

To obtain the CA certificate run the getca command:

./sscep getca \
-u http://[domain]:[port]/api/v1/protocols/scep/raProfile/czertainly/pkiclient.exe \
-c ca.crt

This command will download the CA certificate (or certificates, if the chain is available) from the CZERTAINLY SCEP service and store it in the ca.crt file (when the chain is obtained, it will be stored as ca.crt-0, ca.crt-1, etc.).

Enroll Certificate

Once the CA certificate is downloaded, you can use it to enroll a new certificate. To enroll a new certificate, you will need the following,

RSA Key Pair

Generate the RSA Key Pair using the following command:

 openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout test.key -out test.csr

This will generate the test.key and test.csr files. The test.key file contains the private key and the test.csr file contains the certificate signing request.

Enroll certificate

Once you have the CA certificate, private key and the certificate signing request, you can enroll certificate using the following command:

./sscep enroll \
-u http://[domain]:[port]/api/v1/protocols/scep/czertainly/pkiclient.exe \
-c ca.crt-0 \
-k test.key \
-r test.csr \
-l test.crt

This will create enrollment request for the SCEP service located on the http://[domain]:[port]/api/v1/protocols/scep/czertainly/pkiclient.exe URL, containing test.csr certificate signing request, signed by the test.key private key, encrypted with the public key in the ca.crt-0 certificate, and finally store the enrolled certificate in the test.crt file.

Enrolled certificate is also stored in the certificate inventory of the platform and can be further managed and automated.

Certificate renewal

Certificate signing requests for the certificate renewal are authentication using the current and valid certificate and its private key.

Use the following command to renew the certificate:

./sscep enroll \
-u http://[domain]:[port]/api/v1/protocols/scep/czertainly/pkiclient.exe \
-c ca.crt \
-K test.key \
-O test.crt \
-k new.key \
-r new.csr \
-l new.crt

This will create enrollment request for the SCEP service located on the http://[domain]:[port]/api/v1/protocols/scep/czertainly/pkiclient.exe URL, containing new.csr certificate signing request, signed by the new.key private key, authenticated by the current private key test.key and current and valid certificate test.crt, encrypted with the public key in the ca.crt-0 certificate, and finally store the enrolled certificate in the new.crt file.

Renewed certificate is included in the certificate inventory of the platform.