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CMP Profile

CMP Profile specifies the configurations of the CMP server behaviour. It holds the configuration listed below:

ConfigurationPurposeDefault ValueMandatory
NameCMP Profile NameYes
DescriptionDescription of the CMP ProfileNo
VariantVariant of the CMP protocol defining the behaviourYes
Request Protection MethodOne of available protection methods for the CMP requestsYes
Shared SecretShared secret for the protection of CMP message when request protection method is shared secretNo
Response Protection MethodOne of available protection methods for the CMP responsesYes
Signing CertificateCertificate used for signing CMP responses whn the response protection method is signatureYes
RA ProfileRA Profile that will be set as default for the CMP ProfileNo

Supported CMP variants

The platform supports the following CMP variants:


The CMP variant CMPv3 is prepared for future use case according to the RFC 9483 - Lightweight Certificate Management Protocol (CMP) Profile, however, not yet fully implemented.

Request and response protection methods

The platform supports the following protection methods for CMP requests and responses:

The following restrictions apply for the protection methods configuration:

  • If the Response Protection Method is set to Shared Secret, the Shared Secret protection method must be configured also for the Request Protection Method
  • If the Request Protection Method is set to Signature, the Signature protection method must be used also for the Response Protection Method

Request signing certificate

When the Request Protection Method is set to Signature, the request must contain signing certificate in the PKIMessage extraCerts field. The first certificate in the extraCerts field is used for the signature verification.

Response signing certificate requirements

The certificate with associated private key should be available in the inventory in case Response Protection Method is set to Signature. The certificate should meet the following criteria:

  • The certificate should be valid
  • The certificate should have associated private key managed by the platform
  • The private key should be valid and active
  • The private key should have the Key Usage set to Sign

Attributes for certificate management

If a default RA Profile is selected then Attributes to issue and revoke certificates must be configured, if needed.

Certificate operations

Certificate management Attributes for CMP Profile are used during certificate management and cannot be changed by the CMP client.

Operations on CMP Profile

The following operations can be performed on the CMP Profile:

CreateCreate a new CMP Profile. New CMP Profile is disabled by default
UpdateUpdate configuration of already existing CMP Profile
DeleteDelete existing CMP Profile
DisableDisable existing CMP Profile. All request to disabled CMP Profile will be rejected
EnableEnable existing CMP Profile