The following document describes advanced operations for the management of virtual appliance:
Virtual appliance management
Shut down
To shut down the virtual appliance use ACPI shutdown call of your virtualization platform or select Advanced options -> Shutdown system.
To restart the virtual appliance, select Advanced options -> Reboot system. Do not use cold reboot function on your virtualization platform, as it could lead to file-system corruption.
Update system
Updating of the virtual appliance system consists of updating and upgrading included packages, it can be easily done by selecting Advanced options -> Update Operating System from the menu.
User management
Create new user
To create user with username john
, execute the following commands:
sudo adduser john
Then you will be requested to fill in user details:
czertainly@czertainly:~$ sudo adduser john
[sudo] password for czertainly:
Adding user `john' ...
Adding new group `john' (1001) ...
Adding new user `john' (1001) with group `john' ...
Creating home directory `/home/john' ...
Copying files from `/etc/skel' ...
New password:
Retype new password:
passwd: password updated successfully
Changing the user information for john
Enter the new value, or press ENTER for the default
Full Name []: John Doe
Room Number []:
Work Phone []:
Home Phone []:
Other []:
Is the information correct? [Y/n]
Grant user admin privileges
To grant user admin privileges, execute the following command:
sudo adduser john sudo
Change user password
To change password of another user john
, execute the following command:
sudo passwd john
Delete user
To delete user, execute the following command:
sudo deluser john
Remove user admin privileges
To remove admin privileges for user, execute the following command:
sudo deluser john sudo
Advanced tasks
Custom Helm chart values
The installation/upgrade process of CZERTAINLY is managed by the Helm.
Default values are stored in file /root/install/czertainly-values.yaml
. This file gets updated during installation/upgrade when there is newer version of CZERTAINLY chart.
If you need to provide your own custom Helm chart values that are not available through the TUI, you need to access the shell of the appliance, create file /home/czertainly/czertainly-values.custom.yaml
, and put it there.
The custom values overwrite the default values during the installation/upgrade process.
There are three version numbers which are related to CZERTAINLY Virtual Appliance.
First, there is a version of CZERTAINLY Appliance which is recorded in the file /etc/czertainly_appliance_version
. The appliance version provides a clue to Debian which was used as a base for the Appliance. This is also why this number is not changed during upgrades.
Next, we have a version of CZERTAINLY Appliance Tools. Tools are the core of the Appliance, they come with Ansible Playbooks, Roles and TUI. The tools are distributed as a Debian package and actually instaled version can be displayed by the command apt -q show czertainly-appliance-tools
. It is perfectly OK to have a higher version of the Tools than of the Appliance, it is the right way how to get new versions of CZERTAINLY itself to the Appliance.
And finally, there is a version of CZERTAINLY. Which itself breaks into several components with their independent versioning, but the main version is defined by the version of the Core and the Helm Chart. You can learn a version of the Helm Chart by running helm -n czertainly list
For your convenience, we provide the script czertainly-versions --detailed
which displays a list of all relevant versions for your CZERTAINLY.
Before any upgrade, make sure you have a recent snapshot first!
OS packages upgrades
CZERTAINLY Virtual Appliance is based on Debian GNU/Linux. To upgrade it enter system shell, and execute command sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
. This command also upgrades czertainly-appliance-tools
package, this package provides TUI, it is necessary to close the open shell connection and login back to start using the new version of the TUI.
The above command first updates information about package versions and the second upgrades them. This way is safe from major upgrades and should be done periodically.
OS upgrades
The upgrade of the OS can cause downtime and can introduce dependency problems with the CZERTAINLY platform. Always check our site first before trying to do the OS upgrade.
The new major version of the Debian system is released every 2 years and has LTS support lasting typically 5 years in total. It is perfectly safe to operate the CZERTAINLY platform on an older version of the Debian OS until the end of its LTS support.
The Debian Operating System is designed to support upgrades between major versions by apt dist-upgrade
, however, we recommend to rather use a new version of CZERTAINLY Virtual Appliance.
The following table shows which versions of Virtual Appliance are based on which version of Debian OS.
Appliance version | Debian version |
upto 2.10 | Bullseye (11) |
from 2.11 | Bookworm (12) |
In case you decide to upgrade your Virtual appliance based on Debian Bullseye, you need to resolve the PostgreSQL version issue. Bullseye is using version 13 and Bookworm version 15. The suggested way how to proceed is to:
- backup database,
- delete the Postgres 13 version and purge database files from the drive,
- install the Postgres 15,
- restore database,
- re-run CZERTAINLY installation from the main menu.
Kubernetes upgrades
CZERTAINLY Virtual Appliance is using RKE2 as Kubernetes distribution, latest version can be checked in their Relase Notes. The actual running version on Appliance can be checked by the shell command kubectl version
. Example output:
$ kubectl version
Client Version: v1.28.11+rke2r1
Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3
Server Version: v1.28.11+rke2r1
To upgrade exec "Install CZERTAINLY" from the main menu. This will download the a version of the RKE2 installer, which you can see in the Ansible output:
TASK [rke2 : download rke2 installer] ******************************************
changed: [localhost]
Exec installer from shell command sudo /usr/local/bin/rke2-install.sh
, example output:
$ sudo /usr/local/bin/rke2-install.sh
[sudo] password for czertainly:
[INFO] finding release for channel stable
[INFO] using v1.30.4+rke2r1 as release
[INFO] downloading checksums at https://github.com/rancher/rke2/releases/download/v1.30.4+rke2r1/sha256sum-amd64.txt
[INFO] downloading tarball at https://github.com/rancher/rke2/releases/download/v1.30.4+rke2r1/rke2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
[INFO] verifying tarball
[INFO] unpacking tarball file to /usr/local
This downloads and deploys a new version of RKE2. Next, you need to restart RKE2. Exec sudo systemctl restart rke2-server.service
and finally verify that Kubernetes was upgraded:
$ kubectl version
Client Version: v1.30.4+rke2r1
Kustomize Version: v5.0.4-0.20230601165947-6ce0bf390ce3
Server Version: v1.30.4+rke2r1
It is possible to upgrade CZERTAINLY just by raising the version number in CZERTAINLY configuration and executing CZERTAINLY Instalation. It should work for upgrades from version 2.8.0 upwards.
We strongly recommend first performing OS packages upgrades to upgrade OS components and to get the latest version of CZERTAINLY Appliance Tools. If you upgrade the Tools first you get support for all new CZERTAINLY components directly in TUI.
We suggest to setup periodical snapshoting/backup task of complete appliance on your virtual server platform.
Minimum backup consist:
- database dump:
(sudo -u postgres -- pg_dump czertainlydb) > czertainlydb-`date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"`.dump.sql
This method is intended mainly for migrating CZERTAINLY from one Appliance to another Appliance, for example when changing a major version of Debian.
First, do a Backup on the old CZERTAINLY Appliance as described above.
Start a brand new instance of Appliance, upgrade OS.
Extract backups of /home/czertainly
and /etc/czertainly-ansible/vars/
Execute Install CZETAINLY from the main menu. This will install a completely new CZERTAINLY based on your settings.
Stop Kubernetes:
sudo systemctl stop rke2-server.service
sudo systemctl stop kubepods.slice
Delete new empty Postgres database:
echo "DROP DATABASE czertainlydb;" | sudo -u postgres psql
Restore the CZERTAINLY database and populate it with data from your backup:
export ANSIBLE_CONFIG=/etc/czertainly-ansible/ansible.cfg
sudo /usr/bin/ansible-playbook /etc/czertainly-ansible/playbooks/czertainly.yml -t postgress
cat /home/czertainly/czertainlydb-<YYYY-DD-MM-HH:MM:SS>.dump.sql | sudo -u postgres psql czertainlydb
Start Kubernetes:
sudo systemctl start kubepods.slice
sudo systemctl start rke2-server.service
Give it several minutes to start and examine the status of CZERTAINLY by command czertainly-status